
May 5, 2014

I remember being a senior in high school. Prom..Graduation..The anticipation of college as well as hesitation of change being right around the corner…

I was one of those girls in high school who actually liked going to school.

I was voted “Most Involved,” was on the Homecoming Court and was the captain of the cheerleading squad. I did everything I wasted to do, except take decent senior photos. I had the ol’ cap and gown photo (who knows where that is now) but really wished I took the time to have quality photos taken to preserve that time in my life.

Valarie, on the other hand, did just that. And to top it off, her photos were at the most beautiful location. Beautiful location, beautiful girl.

Fun Families Rock!

April 16, 2012

I had the pleasure of combining a senior session and family session. And I say pleasure because the family was so fun. I meet a lot of families and see many personalities and I can definitely say that his family is super-duper wacky. Oh, and the mother of the family was also my high school classmate. So I can say that. So there.

I am slowly getting over the fact that I’m old (ish,) and that I have high school classmates who have children who are graduating from high school themselves. Another sign that I’m old (ish?) I’d rather go to Trader Joe’s during the week versus the weekend. I’m just sayin’.

Anyhow, I want to thank the R Family for a great day, being open to my crazy ideas and going with the flow. You definitely rock.

The Emotion of a PB&J

August 23, 2011

I have the best job. I’m a Mom of two young boys. I’m also a photographer. Both allow me to be creative in different ways (one lets me make a mean PB&J and the other allows me to dig deeper into my emotions and express it in a photo.) But both make me equally excited and happy. Wow! What a beautiful shot! Hey, that’s some sandwich!

My senior photo session with Miss M was amazing. Most of the time while on a shoot, I am inspired by the sun, and how it softly drapes it’s rays of light onto everything I see. How it creates a mood only explained by a feeling. But with Miss M, I was so inspired by the location. The grittiness of the bricks. The cracked and chipped paint on the walls.The sound of the asphalt pebbles cracking under the weight of each step I took.

It’s almost time for me to make my son’s lunch for school tomorrow. I wonder what I’ll come up with tonight…







Last Summer

August 15, 2011

I remember summer vacation. The 3-month break of fun-in-the sun before school starts. The days of carefree. Sleeping in. Watching the clouds roll by.

But when you’re going to be a Senior in high school, for some reason, that last summer seems so short. You start thinking of college and what you’re going to do after high school. The “real world” suddenly takes over.

Only that you don’t realize that you’ve already been living in the real world. And things are going to be just fine. As long as you know how to do your own laundry.

These two beautiful Seniors are anxiously waiting to start their last year of high school. They are ready to take whatever life gives them and laugh along with it at the same time. Which is what they did 95% of the photo session. Make each other laugh.

The Beautiful Miss M

January 15, 2011

Even though we are technically still in winter, it seemed much more like spring during Miss M’s senior photo session. The warm sun was shining down on us and there was a gentle breeze in the air.

I love it when full sun wants to work with me. And it definitely did with Miss M. Same for the breeze. Both elements worked in our advantage, making her photos absolutely gorgeous!